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Employee Spotlight: Aleisha Meader

How long have you worked at ABC Jeffersontown Pediatrics?

9 and a half years on and off

What's the best part of your job?

Watching all of the kids grow up!

What's your favorite color?


What was your first concert?

Fleetwood Mac! It was awesome!

Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Virginia Beach, VA

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I've always wanted to learn how to crochet.

What's your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

Reading! I'm a total bookworm.

Do you have any pets?

1 dog (Wilson) and 1 cat (Solace)

What's your greatest fear?

It's a tie between snakes and spiders. I don't like the way they move. Ugh!

What's your favorite season?

Fall because of the weather and football season!

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